Friday, 15 September 2017
Wednesday, 28 December 2016
Jujur nih buat Brosis yang menggunakan motor matic Honda. Pernah nggak sih menggunakan Kick Starter buat menyalakan motor?
read moreThursday, 22 September 2016
Brosis tentunya mengenal dengan komponen kecil bernama baut. Aslinya, komponen ini punya nama keren yaitu “bolt”. Cuma berkat lidah orang Indonesia akhirnya komponen ini jadi deh disebut baut. Ngomongin soal baut, fungsinya untuk saling mengaitkan dan mengikat erat dua atau lebih komponen motor. Bisa sambungan body, hingga jeroan mesin.
read moreWednesday, 08 June 2016
Friday, 29 April 2016
Brosis, buat orang Indonesia yang namanya makan harus pakai nasi nih. Kalau enggak ada nasi, enggak afdol rasanya.
read moreWednesday, 20 April 2016
Wednesday, 23 March 2016
Brosis, jangan remehkan fungsi oli mesin. Oli yang bersirkulasi di seluruh mesin untuk melumasi komponen di dalam jeroan mesin agar motor tetap nyaman saat kita pakai.
read moreMonday, 21 March 2016
Seperti yang udah kita tahu nih Brosis, ban memegang peranan penting dalam laju sepeda motor.
read moreFriday, 11 March 2016
Wednesday, 24 February 2016
Friday, 19 February 2016
Friday, 18 December 2015
Monday, 28 September 2015
Friday, 25 September 2015
Brosis, pasti udah nggak asing sama istilah DOHC dan SOHC nih. DOHC adalah singkatan dari Double Overhead Camshaft yang berarti mesin tersebut memiliki dua batang noken as. Sistem DOHC punya kelebihan mendatangkan kitiran mesin (RPM) lebih tinggi. Letak klep yang lebih baik mengoptimalkan set up yang memaksimalkan pula performa mesin.
read moreWednesday, 16 September 2015
PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) meluncurkan pelumas terbaru untuk sepeda motor Honda, AHM Oil MPX 3, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelumas dengan tingkat kekentalan tinggi. Penambahan varian baru ini semakin memberikan ragam pilihan pelumas kepada konsumen untuk merawat dan mendukung performa sepeda motor Honda.
read moreMonday, 14 September 2015
Kalo dulu kita udah pernah bahas soal teknologi eSP, sekarang kita bakal bedah tentang ACG Starter. Teknologi ini adalah senjata rahasia Honda yang bikin suara skutik keluaran terbaru Honda makin halus pas dinyalain (starter).
read moreFriday, 11 September 2015
Brosis, punya motor mungkin sudah menjadi impian kita sejak kecil. Namun sekarang pas sudah besar Brosis bisa saja sanggup membeli sendiri motor, baik sekedar Honda Supra X 125 PGM-FI atau Honda CBR650F. Tapi yang harus diingat, kalau sudah punya motor tentu harus rajin dirawat. Jangan kejadian sekedar punya motor, tapi motornya kumal dan kusam. Ini sih jelas kesalahan Brosis!
read moreMonday, 07 September 2015
Banyak orang menganggap bahwa kaca spion motor yang orisinal dari pabrikan terkesan mengganggu. Posisinya yang lebar dianggap bikin susah kalo mau nyelip-nyelip. Apalagi kalau lagi macet. Alhasil, malah pada ganti dengan kaca spion yang ukuran kacanya kecil, atau memiliki batang lebih pendek. Yang lebih parah, dilepas. Wah, nggak bagus banget tuh Brosis!
read moreWednesday, 02 September 2015
Kayaknya sudah enggak perlu lagi nih dijelasin fungsinya si karet bundar ini. Sudah jelas kalau motor nggak ada bannya dijamin nggak bisa jalan. Makanya, ban haruslah diperhatikan kondisinya. Jangan ceroboh dalam merawat si karet bundar ini. Kalau sampai kenapa-kenapa di jalan gara-gara masalah ban yang sepele, dijamin bikin keki!
read moreTuesday, 04 August 2015
Brosis, namanya komponen pengereman emang harus diperhatikan dengan seksama. Bahaya juga kalau motor punya performa optimal namun enggak bisa berhenti. Yang ada jadi bahaya. Makanya piranti pendukungnya seperti kampas rem harus diperhatikan kondisinya baik-baik.
read moreTuesday, 30 June 2015
Sepeda motor merupakan sarana transportasi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Namun, sekarang ini banyak pengguna sepeda motor tidak sesuai fungsi semestinya, misalnya ugal-ugalan di jalanan sehingga meresahkan sesama pengguna jalan raya. Ada 3 faktor utama penyebab terjadinya kecelakaan, yaitu manusia, kendaraan, dan lingkungan. Lebih dari 90% penyebab kecelakaan adalah faktor manusia itu sendiri, dikarenakan diaantaranya adalah kurangnya pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan etika dalam berkendara.
read moreSunday, 28 June 2015
Mobile HGP Suma Parts Shop bertujuan untuk lebih menjangkau masyarakat luas dalam memperoleh spare parts asli sepeda motor Honda. Mobile HGP Suma Parts Shop diadakan setiap minggu atau hari libur di berbagai wilayah di Jawa Timur.
read moreSaturday, 27 June 2015
Brosis, kalau ngomongin soal performa motor Honda pastinya enggak perlu diragukan lagi. Enggak perlu dimodifikasi pun sudah cukup kok buat berkendara harian. Tapi ingat, kalau motor dipakai sehari-hari secara rutin, pastinya ada titik dimana motor akan terasa berkurang nih performanya. Wajar saja, ibarat manusia kalau dipaksa bekerja terus kan bakalan kelelahan juga nih!
read moreTuesday, 23 June 2015
If described as human, the spark plug component has a humble nature. It can be seen from its size. Spark plugs are small, but its performance should not be asked again. If there is no spark plugs, motor cycle certainly can not turn on!
read moreMonday, 22 June 2015
Talking about motor matic, the vehicle is clearly a prima donna in Indonesia today. You can see for yourself by looking at the existence that always appear in the streets. Even Matic Honda motorcycles like Honda Beat and Vario series really dominate sales of motorcycles in Indonesia.
read moreThursday, 18 June 2015
Marhaban Ya Ramadhan
The entire leadership and employees of PT. Suma Kharisma Jaya Sakti,Say Happy Fasting 1436 H.
Monday, 15 June 2015
The presence of light motor now not only for lighting at night. Currently, the government requires the motor lights on continuously day and night. What the point of turning on the lights during the day?
read moreThursday, 11 June 2015
For you who like to modify, usually disc brakes also be affected. Especially now that there are many models and variations discs circulating in the market. There is a small size, there are colorful, there is even a restaurant sized trays!
read moreThursday, 04 June 2015
You if there is a time for fun, try occasionally look at the highway for 15 minutes wrote. Do not stay long ya! Well for 15 minutes it can not calculate how many motor matic passing? Guaranteed first trigger dizziness ya, whose name is now salable motor matic nih!
read moreThursday, 14 August 2014
You must already know the existence of Center Stand aka dong middle standard. This one tool that is always there in the Honda of types matic, duck, to the type of sport naked. The exception in Full Fairing Sport motorcycle CBR250R sorts. There's no central standard for promoting aerodynamics. Kolongnya motor sport's already ketutup same fairing!
read moreFriday, 25 July 2014
Never do not you feel the pull of the motor suddenly so slow alias is not powered. Fuel consumption is already so why become more extravagant. You may have a contributing factor cuman over something trivial. Its dirty air filter!
read moreFriday, 27 June 2014
Monday, 05 May 2014
There are several factors that can make optimal motor speed? Machine? Of course. Ignition and electrical components? Yeah that too. One more ya, braking components!
read moreMonday, 21 April 2014
Brosis that every day wara-Wiri use the motor. Mandatory really checking the state of the oil. Weve why the hell?
read moreWednesday, 02 April 2014
Already unquestionable superiority Honda motorcycle. The sophistication of the technology applied to make the Honda often dominate the motorcycle market.
read moreFriday, 14 March 2014
Tire serves as the successor to the engine power to drive a motorcycle with stable.
read moreTuesday, 11 March 2014
AHM Oil specially designed by Honda R & D Japan to meet the demands of technological development of Honda motorcycles are increasingly sophisticated.
read moreFriday, 07 March 2014
Piston is a major component in the engine that receives heat over 350 ° C due to the combustion process to continue the combustion energy into mechanical energy.
read moreTuesday, 04 March 2014
Drive Belt is used to forward the engine power to drive the rear wheels via a pulley.
read moreWednesday, 26 February 2014
Honda Genuine Parts Shock Absorber is a Honda motorcycle parts that function as shock absorbers and maintain stability.
read moreThursday, 20 February 2014
Honda Genuine Battery is a genuine Honda motorcycle.
read moreMonday, 17 February 2014
Chain Wheel ( Chain Drive ) serves to forward the engine torque through the front gear and rear gear to drive the rear wheels.
Friday, 14 February 2014
In the tire serves to accommodate and withstand air pressure, in order to establish and maintain the profile of the tire remains perfect.
read moreTuesday, 11 February 2014
Coolant works to keep the working temperature of the engine to keep it looking and avoid over-heating (heat) through the circulation of the engine coolant / Radiator Coolant.
read moreFriday, 07 February 2014
Plastic Parts serves to protect the motorcycle parts and motorcycle beautify the appearance form.
read moreTuesday, 28 January 2014
Gasket function :
Two surfaces are pressed together parts to prevent leakage.
Friday, 24 January 2014
To maximize the function of Brake Shoe & Pad Set as braking to halt or slow down the motor it is necessary to care.
read moreWednesday, 22 January 2014
Functions of Brake Shoe and Pad Set :
Braking function to terminate or slow down the motor.
Friday, 17 January 2014
Period of Honda Bearing Wear.
Depending on how the use and condition of the road.
Thursday, 16 January 2014
It turns out that fraud is not just happening on the streets alone. According to various sources, the current to the motor oil too many have been falsified. Such as oil AHM dedicated to Honda motorcycles.
read moreWednesday, 15 January 2014
Spark plugs are one component that has a function to provide a spark or sparks on burning in your vehicle . In particular motorcycle . But if you ride unexpectedly crash when going to turn on , it could be your motor dirty spark plugs .
read moreMonday, 13 January 2014
Not only strike the street or the motor will not turn , damage the battery can also be spread keorgan other motors . Therefore do not forget to take care of your motorcycle battery on a regular basis in order to be durable up to 3-4 years.
read moreSaturday, 11 January 2014
Honda Genuine Parts are the original parts Honda motorcycle recommended by PT Astra Honda Motor, ensuring the authenticity of your Honda motorcycle for Honda Genuine Parts are the same as those installed in the new Honda motorcycle.